Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007
Lang nicht mehr so gelacht!
Wieder mal Youtube.... und ganz zufällig finde ich auch noch einen echt großartigen Comedian der auch andere Comedians super durch den Kakao ziehen kann.... Geniale Stimmenimitation... ja.... seht selbst!
Richtig lustig, aber allerdings auf Englisch...

Der gute Frank Caliendo ahmt jene Leute hier zum Verwechseln gut nach: Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Jerry Seinfeld, David Letterman, Paul Schaefer, John Madden, Robin Williams, Bill Cosby, Jay Leno, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, James Brown, Jimmy Johnson, Jim Rome, President George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Sean Connery, Andy Rooney, Jonathan Winters, Rod Roddy, Pat Summeral, Arnold Schwarzenegger, William Shattner, Rick Moranis....

Nicht nur die Stimmenimitation ist lachmuskelstrapazierend. Nein, auch die genaue Beobachtung der Verhaltensweise des jeweils Nachgeahmten ist faszinierend realistisch rübergebracht.
Top Entertainment!

Ihr müsst unbedingt auch mal seine Homepage angucken.... dort gibt's noch viel mehr zu sehn und zu hören:

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Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2006
The Food Problem
We take you now to the Oval Office...

President George W. Bush: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?

National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice: Sir, I have the report here
about the new leader of China .

Bush: Great. Lay it on me.

Rice: Hu is the new leader of China .

Bush: That's what I want to know.

Rice: That's what I'm telling you.

Bush: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China ?

Rice: Yes.

Bush: I mean the fellow's name.

Rice: Hu.

Bush: The guy in China .

Rice: Hu.

Bush: The new leader of China .

Rice: Hu.

Bush: The Chinaman!

Rice: Hu is leading China .

Bush: Now whaddya asking me for?

Rice: I'm telling you Hu is leading China .

Bush: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China ?

Rice: That's the mans name.

Bush: That's who's name?

Rice: Yes.

Bush: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China ?

Rice: Yes, sir.

Bush: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China ? I thought he was in the Middle

Rice: That's correct.

Bush: Then who is in China ?

Rice: Yes, sir.

Bush: Yassir is in China ?

Rice: No, sir.

Bush: Then who is?

Rice: Yes, sir.

Bush: Yassir?

Rice: No, sir.

Bush: Look, Rice. I need to know the name of the new leader of China .
Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.

Rice: Kofi?

Bush: No, thanks.

Rice: You want Kofi?

Bush: No.

Rice: You don't want Kofi.

Bush: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk.
And then get me the U.N.

Rice: Yes, sir.

Bush: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.

Rice: Kofi?

Bush: Milk! Will you please make the call?

Rice: And call who?

Bush: Who is the guy at the U.N?

Rice: Hu is the guy in China .

Bush: Will you stay out of China ?!

Rice: Yes, sir.

Bush: And stay out of the Middle East ! Just get me the guy at the U.N.

Rice: Kofi.

Bush: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.

Rice (picks up the phone): Rice, here.

Bush: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should
send some to the guy in China . And the Middle East. Can you get Chinese food in the Middle East ?

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